I worry that my psychological profile would refer to my past as evidence that I indeed fit the bill for suicidal. I can see the finer points of that argument and why it's reasonable. However, in my case, I beg to differ: my thoughts of suicide are far more likely to be simply emotional implosions from a section of my soul that has yet to mature: Times are tough, draw in and refuse help; times are really tough, ponder suicide. Frustrated? Porn! Really frustrated? Punch something. That kind of immaturity. Though I do not possess--am not possessed by--all those attributes. I learned to stop punching things (for the most part) years ago, after I shattered my knuckles...(Ass!)
Speaking of Profiling, I'm reading Deaver's latest novel, The Broken Window, in hardback. A gift from my cherished wife. The creepy perpetrator uses identity theft to steal, rape, kill, and frame innocent people for his crimes. Here's hoping Rhyme and Sachs can bust his as by page 150. I'll know in a couple hours.
It got me thinking, though, about our habits. The ones we tend to overlook. The ones a spectator would come to find predictable. For instance:
- I always buy Folger's Columbian: Medium-Dark roast.
- When I break down and buy any pain medicine, it's Excedrin. Excedrin Extra-Strength. Excedrin Migraine. Excedrin Back & Body.
- I switch toothbrushes regularly.
- Irish Spring is my soap of choice.
- I NEVER adhere to the posted speed limit. EVER. Not even when a cop is present.
- It seems I love clocks and trash cans. I have two of each within eyesight everywhere in the apartment.
- I HATE going to the Doctor/hospital.
- I like dramas when I'm feeling upbeat and action flicks when I'm down. I think...
- I loathe gore in my movies, unless they are "Creature Features".
- Speaking of which, I dislike horror movies in the slasher sense, but opt for sci-fi themed horror--"Creature Features". (Alien, Predator...)
- I treat my car about as nice as I treat myself...
- I love to read, but I gravitate only toward a select few authors.
- I'm most content when COMPLETELY alone. Sucks for my wife; she thinks I'm always moody and NEVER happy. She's an extrovert--what can I say?!
- I cuss and complain more consistently and reliably than I breathe. Literally; sometimes I catch myself not breathing when I'm in deep thought.