nothing more than feelings
You know that feeling you get
down in the pit of your stomach where you kno
w something is wrong but you can't quite plac
e it or put a name to it. It's right on the tip of
your tongue, just begging to be spoken but it
won't come out. Like a time lapse in your mem
ory that skips over the second that you need t
o remember what it is that you are thinking? T
he more you think about it the more it eludes
you, slipping through your fingers; dirt in a gar
den of thoughts, all labels for your dreams and
fantasies and thoughts but the handful that yo
u are grasping for is falling out between the cr
acks. The word, if you could just think of it wo
uld set you free, put your mind at ease but ins
tead feels like sleep-matted hair being brushe
d the wrong way. You know that feeling?
That's me.